LIQUID Corporate ID

Verifying service companies’ representatives

Addressed by LIQUID One Platform.
Companies’ Representatives / Name Card Verification


When dealing with people claiming to be representatives of a company (e.g., for providing services), or purchasing specialized services (e.g., insurance), customers could scan the professionals’ Verifiable Credential to ensure they are dealing with a certified and qualified person.


You probably at least once had a situation when someone visited you and introduced himself as an agent from the  company to fix a problem. Verifying such a person can be tricky and, in this case, Verifiable Credentials can help.

Imagine that an  company issues Verifiable Credentials for each agent. Then during the visit, a client can take a mobile app, scan the Verifiable Credential Presented by the agent and confirm that this specific person is a verified employee of the company.

Another example are insurance agents. Each time we want to buy a car or house insurance, we must contact the insurance agent. Verifiable Credentials could be used to prove that the person is a certified agent from one of the verified insurance companies.

How it works​